★Santa Clause is Coming to Town

by Alex Conley

Each year, Santa comes to different places around America so children can meet him and ask for a present that they want for Christmas. Each year, my family and I would drive one hour to San Francisco to see Santa. He and his helpers set up a small carnival with games and rides, and sold winter treats like hot coco, hot apple cider, and candy canes. My sisters and I would wait in line so we could meet Santa. We would always write him a short letter telling him the presents we want that year, and we would give it to him when we met him. We even got to take a picture with him! Once Santa finished seeing kids all across the world, he would go back to the North Pole where he lives to make toys for everyone. My family decorated our house with lights, cut down a Christmas tree and decorated it, hung our stockings by the fireplace, and eagerly awaited Christmas morning. When Christmas finally came, Santa had brought our presents to us.

What do you want for Christmas this year?

Merry Christmas!!




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