★Making New Year's Resolutions & Learning English


by Alex Conley

Every year people around the world make New Year’s Resolutions. Some common resolutions are to eat healthier, exercise more, or save more money. Others want to change their jobs, travel more, or learn more. With the 2020 Japanese Olympic Games several years away, this is a great year to start learning English. If a beginner level learner starts now, they would likely be able to have a conversation with the tourists that are visiting Japan during the Olympic Games. but knowing where to start is an important first step. 

As an English teacher in Japan, there are two questions that Japanese people always ask me: First, where am I from? (America), and second, what is the best way to learn English?

There is no ‘best’ way to learn a language. To learn a new language well, learners need to have many forms of studying that are fun and motivating. Learners should practice four main skills equally – reading, listening, writing and speaking. These four skills should be balanced as equally as possible for the best effect.

If only two language skills were practiced, I think listening and reading are the most important. These are input skills, meaning that new words and grammar are input into your brain. As you see and hear the words more over time, you will remember and understand them better.  After that, writing and speaking can be practiced more easily. Practice writing or saying the same thing many times to help sound fluent. Also, try finding an international event in your community or take an English class with a native English speaker to have more opportunity to talk with a Native English speaker. Speaking with a native speaker is the most fun and motivating way to learn a language.

Lastly, it’s important to be confident. Very often I hear people say, “英語は難しい,” or people refer to themselves as 苦手(weak/bad at). Learning a new language isn’t difficult - it just takes time. Given the right amount of time, and using a variety of approaches to keep you motivated, anyone can learn a new language and have a lot of fun with it. So make your New Year’s Resolution to start learning English this year and when the Olympic Games starts in 2020, you will be ready to welcome the many cultures of the world in a language that is used internationally.









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