
Easter is a Christian holiday. It is celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon on the Spring Equinox between March 22nd and April 25th. Every Easter, the Easter Bunny hides eggs for children to find. In the morning, kids do an Easter Egg Hunt, where they try to find all the hidden eggs. Sometimes the eggs are real, and can be eaten. Sometimes the eggs are plastic and filled with prizes like coins or candy. In the 1700s, children would make nests out of sticks and leaves so the Easter Bunny could leave them eggs. Today, children collect eggs in colorful baskets. Many families in America do Easter Egg Hunts. Additionally, every year there is a big Easter Egg Hunt at the White House in Washington D.C. to celebrate Easter.


「教室でレッスンを受けてみたいけど、なんとなく不安・・」。 そんな方のために、 ヒルズキッズでは無料で体験レッスンをご用意しています。初心者の方も是非、一度体験してみませんか?お気軽にお申し込みください。お申し込みフォームはコチラ!

〒227-0061 横浜市青葉区桜台26-1第3アサキビル2F
〒227-0043 横浜市青葉区藤が丘2-13-3 谷本ビル1F
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